The United Kingdom’s lottery provider, Camelot, experienced a digital security incident. Although the event is worrisome, Camelot guarantees it was a relatively small occurrence. Of the more than 9 million user profiles, a tiny percentage, approximately 26,500, were entered.
Apparently, the perpetrators were mainly interested in altering user details on these accounts. Fortunately, there is no indication of any funds being taken or even accessed. Nevertheless, Camelot acknowledges that some private data from the impacted profiles might have been exposed.
As a safety measure, Camelot is reaching out to all impacted users and mandating they reset their passwords. They are also examining the root of the security lapse and suspect it’s probably due to users employing passwords that were previously compromised on different platforms. Significantly, the central lottery infrastructure and data repositories, including those overseeing drawings and prize disbursements, were unaffected.