Law enforcement officers in India recently shut down an illicit gaming establishment disguised as a celebratory gathering, apprehending 41 individuals and confiscating a substantial sum of money and gambling materials. The operation, carried out in the affluent Hauz Khas Village area of Delhi, revealed an intricate scheme utilizing a well-known card game, “Satta,” as a cover. Authorities were alerted by an informant, leading them to a location containing nearly $6,000 USD in currency, numerous cell phones, and a multitude of gaming tokens. This event comes shortly after another raid where authorities captured three people for operating a fraudulent website that swindled online players nationwide. These perpetrators enticed unsuspecting participants into wagering on manipulated games of billiards, cards, and even simulated cricket, emphasizing the escalating issue of internet-based gaming fraud within India.
Initially, the fraudsters only took a small sum from their marks. Their goal was to create the illusion of legitimacy for the website, encouraging individuals to trust it and invest larger amounts later.